Auf einer Felseninsel steht ein rotes Holzhaus. Foto: Unsplash/Ines d'Anselme.
Icon Sweden



Science in Sweden

Sweden is one of the most innovative countries in Europe and has a long agricultural and forestry tradition. No wonder, that the milking machine was invented in Sweden: in 1896 by Gustaf de Laval. Pacemakers and spanners also come from Sweden, as does dynamite. The dynamite was developed in 1867 by one of the most famous Swedes of all time: Alfred Nobel. Nobel donated large parts of his wealth to the sciences in the form of a prize, which was awarded for the first time in 1901, five years after his death, and named after him.

The Facts

Population 10,537,000 [1]
Area 407,284 km² [2]
Gross domestic product per capita in US-Dollar 56,225.0 [3]
Public expenditure on education (share of GDP) 7.2 % [4]
Share of female researchers 32.6 %
Universities 47
Universities per 1 million inhabitants 4.70
Students 432,233
Expenditure on Research and Development (share of GDP) 3.3 (share of GDP) [5]







Science Sights

Camera illustration
Science Sight
The Linnaeus Garden
Science Sight-Symbol
Science Sight
The Linnaeus Garden
Have you ever wondered where we humans actually get our biological name, Homo sapiens, from? The double designation consists of the word for the genus and a second word for the species. This system is called ‘binary nomenclature’. It is used for all organisms. It was developed by Carl von Linné. He used this system for the […]
Haupteingang des Nobel Prize Museums. Foto: © Nobel Media. Alexander Mahmoud.
Science Sight
Nobel Prize Museum
Science Sight-Symbol
Science Sight
Nobel Prize Museum
From the Stockholm ‘Konserthuset’, where the new winners of the Nobel Prizes are honoured every year, it is not far to the Nobel Prize Museum, which is dedicated to all those who have been honoured before. In addition to the Nobel Prize and the numerous previous winners, the museum’s exhibitions also focus on Alfred Nobel, […]
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