Eine eingeschneite Stadt mit Stadtmauer und Kirchturm.
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Science in Estonia

Like the other Baltic states, Estonia is historically linked to Germany. For example, through a Roman Catholic religious order, the ‘Teutonic Knights’. The order's castles can still be seen in many places - at least as ruins - and many Estonian towns still have German names today. However, the Estonian population is by no means living in the past, but is focused on digitalisation and advanced technologies in the areas of education and research. Estonia is considered one of the most ‘digital’ countries in Europe.

The Facts

Population 1,366,000 [1]
Area 42,750 km² [2]
Gross domestic product per capita in US-Dollar 29,839.0 [3]
Public expenditure on education (share of GDP) 6.6 % [4]
Share of female researchers 42.2 %
Universities 31
Universities per 1 million inhabitants 23.70
Students 45,484
Expenditure on Research and Development (share of GDP) 1.4 (share of GDP) [5]


  1. https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Laender-Regionen/Internationales/Laenderprofile/estland.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

  2. https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Laender-Regionen/Internationales/Laenderprofile/estland.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

  3. https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Laender-Regionen/Internationales/Laenderprofile/estland.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

  4. https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Laender-Regionen/Internationales/Laenderprofile/estland.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

  5. https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/Laender-Regionen/Internationales/Laenderprofile/estland.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

Science Sights

Camera illustration
Science Sight
Struve Arc
Science Sight-Symbol
Science Sight
Struve Arc
What connects the cities of Hammerfest in Norway, Tartu in Estonia and Stara Nekrassiwka in Ukraine? It is not too obvious, but in fact the so-called Struve Geodetic Arc runs through these cities – and several countries between them. The German astronomer Wilhelm Struve wanted to determine the exact shape of the Earth by using […]
Eine Museumshalle voller bunter Wissenschaftsattraktionen
Science Sight
AHHAA Science Centre
Science Sight-Symbol
Science Sight
AHHAA Science Centre
Hands-on maths? That’s the aim of the AHHAA Science Centre in Estonia. If you thought formulas and equations were boring and dry, you should definitely not miss the ‘Aha, Cubed’ exhibition when you visit the Science Centre. There is plenty for young science fans to discover here: How does a monkey calculator work, what can […]
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