Blick von oben in die Tropfsteinhöhle von Postojna

Postojna Caves


The Postojna Caves are the largest accessible dripstone caves in Europe. The cave system in Slovenia extends for a total of about 24 kilometres and has been open to tourists since 1819. Although that should rather be said as an addition, because 3.7 of the 5 accessible kilometres can be travelled by railway. The tracks for the world’s first railway in a stalactite cave have existed since 1872.

The caves are home to a number of unique geological and biological features. The ‘Diamond’, for example, is a five-metre-high stalagmite with a thin layer of calcite that makes it glistening white. In addition, 175 animal species have been found in the caves, 115 of which live exclusively in caves. For example, you can see olms – amphibians that live permanently in cave waters in larval form.

Postojna Cave website:

Photo: Underground cathedral – the Postojna dripstone cave descends deep below ground. Credits: ShadowgateCC BY 2.0

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