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Science in Croatia

Nikola Tesla is probably the most famous scientist in the history of Croatia. Although the ‘Magician of Electricity’ - a nickname he bears today due to his numerous inventions - came from a family of Serbian descent, he was born and raised in Croatia. Perhaps the electrical engineer is still an inspiration for many Croatian scientists and researchers today. After all, engineering and electronics are still the country's top publication topics today, followed by chemistry and economics. However, he was not the only inventor the country has produced. Forensic identification using fingerprints, the tungsten light bulb, the fountain pen and the speedometer can also be traced back to resourceful minds from Croatia.

The Facts

Population 3,853,000 [1]
Area 55,960 km² [2]
Gross domestic product per capita in US-Dollar 21,347.0 [3]
Public expenditure on education (share of GDP) 5.5 % [4]
Share of female researchers 48.4 %
Universities 46
Universities per 1 million inhabitants 11.00
Students 163,866
Expenditure on Research and Development (share of GDP) 1.0 (share of GDP) [5]







Science Sights

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Science Sight
Nikola Tesla Memorial
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Science Sight
Nikola Tesla Memorial
In the night between 9th and 10th July 1856, Nikola Tesla was born in the tiny village of Smiljan. However, the world-famous inventor, engineer and physicist did not stay in his home village for long and went to school in another town. Today, the Nikola Tesla Memorial is located in Smiljan. The historic buildings, such […]
Büste von Marco Polo. Foto: Unsplash/Egor Myzcnik.
Science Sight
Marco Polo’s house
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Science Sight
Marco Polo’s house
It’s no wonder that a well-known series of travel guides is named after Marco Polo: with his travels to China in the 13th century, he paved the way for many other geographical discoveries. The travel reports he wrote about the Asian country also provided the knowledge base for many other explorers who travelled to China. […]
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