Eine Familie spielt an einem Wasserexperiment, das aus blauen Bahnen und Brettern besteht.

Water Museum in Arnhem


Water is a perennial topic in the Netherlands, where a quarter of the country lies below sea level: will the dikes hold? What is the effect of climate change? Can the storm surge barriers be built to be even more stable? The Dutch Water Museum in Arnhem highlights even more water-related issues: about 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water, but only one percent of the water is available as drinking water. Wars are waged over fresh water, and at some point it could become more expensive than oil. More than 50 demonstrations and models in the museum show, among other things, how locks work, how a sewage system functions and how people in different parts of the world deal with water. There is also a water laboratory for children and a water information centre.

Museum website: https://de.visitarnhem.com/poi/1941964244/niederlandisches-wassermuseum

Photo: There is plenty for young and old to discover here. Credits: Nederlands Watermuseum

More from Netherlands

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Ein riesieger Staudamm von oben. Foto: Sjoerd Bracke & Cuno de Bruin.
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Delta Works
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Delta Works
Although the Delta Works in the Netherlands are impressive, they are nevertheless literally an attraction of the ‘reserved’ kind. After all, the Delta Works form the world’s largest storm surge protection system. It was built by the Dutch government in response to a devastating flood disaster in 1953, in which almost 1,900 people and over […]
AI takes the lab by storm, but should it really? 
AI takes the lab by storm, but should it really? 
By now every student has at least once used ChatGPT, and their teacher as well. But using the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in homework or using it for your scientific publishing are two different pairs of shoes. The heated debate over AI-generated research comes to a climax with a paper published at the Dutch publishing house […]
Künstlerische Darstellung des James Webb Space Telescope. Vor einem Sternenhimmel schwebt ein Objekt mit großem Sonnensegel und einem sechseckigen Spiegel.
A new telescope in space – work for generations
A new telescope in space – work for generations
The James Webb telescope will deliver new insights into deep space. But before they got spectacular images two Dutch researchers lived through uncertainty.
Ein Mann im wei´ßen Kittel sitzt an einem Tisch. Darauf liegt ein großer Knochen. Am Tisch stehen vier weitere Menschen.
Natural history with a twist: Research to touch and watch
Natural history with a twist: Research to touch and watch
At the Naturalis museum in Leiden you can watch scientists at work, even as they dissect animals for the public eye.
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The Vjosa – the last wild river in Central Europe
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The Vjosa – the last wild river in Central Europe
The untamed Vjosa rushes through the landscape, meandering as it pleases, changing its course here and there. It overcomes gorges, flows down hills as waterfalls, washes around rocks that stand in its way. It spreads out as a torrent in the valley or ripples through white pebbles. In the process, sediment is transported, causing sand […]
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Triglav National Park
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Triglav National Park
Triglav National Park is one of the most beautiful and fascinating places in Slovenia. The national park covers an area of over 800 square kilometres and is located in the heart of the Julian Alps. It is one of the oldest protected areas in Europe. The national park is named after the highest mountain in […]
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Białowieża Forest
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Białowieża Forest
Untouched forests and national parks are not only found in South America. If you want to visit a ‘primeval forest’ here in Europe, you should make your way to the border between Poland and Belarus. This is where the Białowieża Forest is located. It is the last lowland forest in Europe. The area was added […]
Science Sight
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Science Sight
It is not the seven dwarfs, but the equally fairytale-like seven sisters that can be found in Norway. These waterfalls plunge into the most famous of the many fjords in the west of the country: the Geirangerfjord. It has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2005. The fjord extends over 15 kilometres, cuts 500 […]
Ein Boot am Rande eines Sees. Foto: Pixabay
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Hutovo Blato
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Hutovo Blato
The Hutovo Blato marshland is situated in the south of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The area has been protected since 1954 due to its biodiversity. However, its significance for the animal and plant world has been known for much longer: the great diversity of species has been mentioned since ancient times. Due to its proximity to the Mediterranean, […]
Blick aus einem Kühlturm in Tschernobyl. Foto: Unsplash/Mick de Paola.
Science Sight
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26th April 1986: During an emergency power supply test in block 4 of the Soviet nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, the core completely melts down. The resulting explosion destroys a large part of the reactor building. Fires break out and the resulting smoke releases vast quantities of radioactive material into the atmosphere. Large parts of […]
Schneebedeckter Boden vor einem Tannenwald und blauem Himmel Foto: Unsplash/Daniel Born.
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Urho Kekkonen National Park
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Urho Kekkonen National Park
If you are looking for peace and quiet in nature, you should travel to Finland. This Scandinavian country is one of the most sparsely populated in Europe: around 5.3 million inhabitants live in an area almost the size of Germany. Unique archipelagos and thousands of lakes characterise the landscape. You can even experience lonely wilderness […]
Windräder im Wasser
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Offshore wind farms off Esbjerg
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Offshore wind farms off Esbjerg
The Horns Rev 1 to 3 offshore wind farms off the coast of Esbjerg constitute the largest wind farm in Northern Europe. Horns Rev 1 was the first offshore wind farm to be built in the North Sea. The wind farm is named after the sandbank, Horns Rev, on which the wind turbines were erected. […]
Ocean sounds as a painting artwork
Ocean sounds as a painting artwork
A creaking sound, a seismic air gun firing a shot and a whale appearing out of nowhere made from little spheres. All that people can experience when they watch and listen to the work of Tian Wu, Yu Ren and Sibiao Liu, a team of geoscientists and artists from Kiel in the North of Germany. Yu […]
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More about Polar & Sea

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The Maritime Museum
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The Maritime Museum
A maritime underground museum? What sounds inappropriate at first has long been an attraction in Helsingør, 40 kilometres north of Copenhagen. The submarine-shaped museum was built in the harbour town back in 1915. And it is located right next to the World Heritage Site Kronborg Castle. The museum is located there because it was not […]
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The home of Santa Claus is… yes, where actually? In the heart of Finland near the Arctic Circle is the town of Rovaniemi. It is home to Santa Claus Village, the official home of Santa Claus – on the edge of the Arctic. The Arktikum, a museum and science centre in one, is a great […]
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Oceanographic Museum Monaco
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Oceanographic Museum Monaco
The white stone palace clinging to a Monegasque cliff is known as the Temple of the Sea. Just as if the ancient city of Atlantis had emerged from the depths of the ocean, only a stretch of cliff separates the Monaco Oceanographic Museum from the Mediterranean sea. Over 6000 sea creatures can be found in […]
Alter Schiffsrumpf aus Holz. Foto: Unsplash/Patrick Robert Doyle.
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Oslo Maritime Museums
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Oslo Maritime Museums
The Nordic people are known for many things – and the Vikings are likely to be found at the top of this list. Their emblem, in turn, is their ships. Those interested in them will find what they are looking for on the Bygdøy peninsula in Norway’s capital, Oslo. There are four museums here dedicated […]
Qualle unter Wasser. Foto: Maksim Shutov.
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Lisbon Oceanarium
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Lisbon Oceanarium
‘An ocean on water’ is probably a very apt description for the Lisbon Oceanarium, which is located right at the mouth of the Tagus in Lisbon. It was built as one of the centrepieces of the 1998 World’s Fair. With over 30 pools containing a total of over 7,000 cubic metres of water, it is […]
Polarlichter über dem Wasser. Foto: Unsplash/Niilo Isotalo
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Polar lights
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Polar lights
Eerily white, spookily green or simply multicoloured: polar lights are mystical, but also beautiful. Attempts to explain the natural phenomenon in the past were equally ancient: an invisible god spewing fire with rage. Today we know that polar lights are created when some of the solar wind is not diverted past the Earth, but is […]
Büste von Marco Polo. Foto: Unsplash/Egor Myzcnik.
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Marco Polo’s house
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Marco Polo’s house
It’s no wonder that a well-known series of travel guides is named after Marco Polo: with his travels to China in the 13th century, he paved the way for many other geographical discoveries. The travel reports he wrote about the Asian country also provided the knowledge base for many other explorers who travelled to China. […]
Ein Leuchtturm vor einer riesigen Welle
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Giant waves of Nazaré
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Giant waves of Nazaré
The Portuguese town of Nazaré is particularly well known to surfers: about 120 km north of Lisbon, huge waves of two dozen metres or more can occur there. Only the best big wave surfers in the world take on this force. The reason for this natural spectacle is the Nazaré Canyon north of Nazaré on […]
Ocean sounds as a painting artwork
Ocean sounds as a painting artwork
A creaking sound, a seismic air gun firing a shot and a whale appearing out of nowhere made from little spheres. All that people can experience when they watch and listen to the work of Tian Wu, Yu Ren and Sibiao Liu, a team of geoscientists and artists from Kiel in the North of Germany. Yu […]
Ein Buckelwal wirft sich aus dem Wasser
SeaMonitor – listening to the ocean
SeaMonitor – listening to the ocean
We know little about the creatures under the sea. An Irish research project wants to change that, by listening to the sea's inhabitants.
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Agora Science Adventure Center
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Agora Science Adventure Center
How long does it take to light an electric lamp? At the Agora Science Adventure Center, you can experience this for yourself. Here you generate electrical energy with your own muscle power. We often don’t think about how the world around us works. At the Agora Science Adventure Center in Hungary, everyday wonders are explained […]
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Museum of the History of Science and Technology in Islam
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Museum of the History of Science and Technology in Islam
‘On the construction of the two vases on the shoulders of the elephant, the hanging cymbal and the preparation of the water clock’. With this chapter, the scholar Al-Jazari ends his instructions for building an elephant water clock. The hands of the clock are driven by a buoy that sinks in water. Al-Jazari probably came […]
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Museo Leonardo Da Vinci
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Museo Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci is known as one of the greatest and most significant thinkers in the history of mankind. He was a painter, sculptor, engineer, natural philosopher, architect and a very industrious inventor. The largest collection of his devices is in the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in the heart of Florence. There, you can admire […]
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Tecnoparco Museo di Archimede
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Tecnoparco Museo di Archimede
The ‘Tecnoparco’ in Syracuse is a delight for technology enthusiasts and those who enjoy experimenting. The museum is dedicated to the famous Greek scholar Archimedes, who was born here in south-eastern Sicily. The Tecnoparco has an impressive collection of exhibits that illustrate Archimedes’ ideas. A highlight of the museum is the large interactive exhibition that […]
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Royal Greenwich Observatory
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Royal Greenwich Observatory
Changing from west to east in just one step. This is only possible in a few places in the world. One of the most beautiful and significant is the historic Royal Observatory at Greenwich in London. The equator is the axis that divides the Earth into north and south. The equator lies on the middle […]
Blick aus einem Kühlturm in Tschernobyl. Foto: Unsplash/Mick de Paola.
Science Sight
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Science Sight
26th April 1986: During an emergency power supply test in block 4 of the Soviet nuclear power plant in Chernobyl, the core completely melts down. The resulting explosion destroys a large part of the reactor building. Fires break out and the resulting smoke releases vast quantities of radioactive material into the atmosphere. Large parts of […]
Ein Mann liest vor einer riesigen Spiralspule. Foto: Gemeinfrei
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Nikola Tesla Museum
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Nikola Tesla Museum
Without his inventions, our society today would probably be quite different: Nikola Tesla was a pioneer of electrical engineering who, with his idea of two-phase alternating current, provided the decisive basis for our modern power grid, since it was only through him that electricity could be transmitted over long distances without loss for the first […]
Eine Museumshalle voller bunter Wissenschaftsattraktionen
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AHHAA Science Centre
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AHHAA Science Centre
Hands-on maths? That’s the aim of the AHHAA Science Centre in Estonia. If you thought formulas and equations were boring and dry, you should definitely not miss the ‘Aha, Cubed’ exhibition when you visit the Science Centre. There is plenty for young science fans to discover here: How does a monkey calculator work, what can […]
Windräder im Wasser
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Offshore wind farms off Esbjerg
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Offshore wind farms off Esbjerg
The Horns Rev 1 to 3 offshore wind farms off the coast of Esbjerg constitute the largest wind farm in Northern Europe. Horns Rev 1 was the first offshore wind farm to be built in the North Sea. The wind farm is named after the sandbank, Horns Rev, on which the wind turbines were erected. […]
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Deutsches Museum
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Deutsches Museum
The Deutsches Museum is no less than one of the largest science and technology museums in the world: around 100,000 objects from various technical and scientific fields are exhibited on Munich’s Museum Island. Currently, 40 exhibitions show the range: from astronomy to marine research, from nanotechnology to mining and the in-house Zeiss planetarium. The highlights […]
Ein riesieger Staudamm von oben. Foto: Sjoerd Bracke & Cuno de Bruin.
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Delta Works
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Delta Works
Although the Delta Works in the Netherlands are impressive, they are nevertheless literally an attraction of the ‘reserved’ kind. After all, the Delta Works form the world’s largest storm surge protection system. It was built by the Dutch government in response to a devastating flood disaster in 1953, in which almost 1,900 people and over […]
Ocean sounds as a painting artwork
Ocean sounds as a painting artwork
A creaking sound, a seismic air gun firing a shot and a whale appearing out of nowhere made from little spheres. All that people can experience when they watch and listen to the work of Tian Wu, Yu Ren and Sibiao Liu, a team of geoscientists and artists from Kiel in the North of Germany. Yu […]
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